To the playwright's credit, the awful source of Libby's anguish is perfectly believable and completely unguessable.
He's still trying to comprehend Section U. And, at this moment, he is perfectly believable.
But it was a perfectly believable lie, one which fit all the facts at Greiner's disposal.
The story was mostly true, and more important it was perfectly believable.
"You have a way of creating atmosphere and drawing characters that make the impossibility of your stories perfectly believable."
"Ginny's got a perfectly believable public excuse for going to pay her respects, since she's a former Manpower slave herself."
She was hard as nails, unsympathetic and perfectly believable.
Well, that was perfectly believable now that he knew it.
Given the vicious character of Servilia in the novel, this murder is perfectly believable.
An electronic construct which was perfectly believable, like any good test program.