It was so dark it settled comfortably into the night, perfectly camouflaged.
Perhaps they would have made it had not it been for the three massive crabs, perfectly camouflaged against the background of mud, which slid towards them.
He saw the slots now, in the floor where the jaws had lain, perfectly camouflaged.
A few feet away, a leg lies perfectly camouflaged in the brush, given away only by crimson strips of flesh still clinging to it.
Instantly, Oog changed into an- other book, perfectly camouflaging himself.
Their coloration is typically grey-green with a mottled or spotted appearance with stripes along their back, perfectly camouflaged among weeds.
The man blended in, perfectly camouflaged, reflecting from all directions and only visible when in motion.
It is perfectly camouflaged (Made invisible by means of protective coloring ) among the leaves because of its uniform ruddy brown skin.
Catty, crimson Catisha attracts a hungry crow; Clara, of course, disappears among the camellias, perfectly camouflaged.
The crew duly spent a frustrating week staring at virtually invisible insects perfectly camouflaged against the bark waiting for a gecko to visit.