This does not mean that it is perfectly harmonious.
Few are the hearts whose happy lot is at once to recognize in each other's voice the partner intended for them by Providence, and to fly into a reciprocal and perfectly harmonious embrace.
For this end they would select a suitable organism, and seek to remake it upon a new plan, striving to produce a creature of perfectly harmonious nature precisely adapted to the new way of life.
Canned or not, the coconut milk tasted rich and smooth in the gai tom kha ($2.25), the delicious Thai chicken soup with lime juice, red pepper and a sedate but evident spiciness that was perfectly harmonious.
Joan and I had never in the ordinary sense been a perfectly harmonious couple, but in spite of some strains we were at heart not only permanently in love with one another but also inextricably entangled in all our affairs.
Reports of dressing room unrest and player revolt have surfaced in recent days, but Mascherano, who was captain during Maradona's reign, says the two years spent playing under the former World Cup winner were perfectly harmonious.
In the soft lamplight, the buildings rose about him in the classic Greek style, clean of line and perfectly harmonious.
It could create, through form and material, a perfectly harmonious world.
God has always loved, and there has always existed perfectly harmonious communion between the three persons of the Trinity.
The Greek sculptor Polykleitos designed a work, perhaps this one, as an example of the "canon" or "rule", showing the perfectly harmonious and balanced proportions of the human body in the sculpted form.