Slender, graceful, with either end encased in a rectangular metal box they looked perfectly innocuous.
Seem perfectly innocuous though not the sort of stuff I'd care to have read out in court if I had written it.
IT seemed a perfectly innocuous, even uplifting little story.
He happily talks on topics most people find taboo while bucking perfectly innocuous questions.
It's a perfectly ordinary looking box file, with the perfectly innocuous title 'Letters'.
All of us have said, done or written perfectly innocuous things that can be made to sound bad if presented in a dishonest context.
All they did was build a perfectly innocuous sensor system that has many legitimate, peaceful applications.
No, luckily I kept that suspicion to myself and found out the visit was perfectly innocuous.
The Czech secret police went to great lengths to keep track of people who were perfectly innocuous.
Some student fads that are perfectly innocuous, if inane, have less than innocent origins.