Another revolution, to get rid of this illegitimate and usurped government, would of course be perfectly justifiable, if not absolutely necessary.
But elevating Congressional salaries to, say, the commission's 1986 recommendation of $135,000 would be perfectly justifiable.
This is a perfectly justifiable approach if you think in terms of museum objects.
She turned her perfectly justifiable anger at what was being done to her inward instead of outward.
Every team will take a free-kick if there's contact (which by the laws of the game is perfectly justifiable).
It's perfectly justifiable to add to the public debt to improve the nation's capacity for further growth.
There is, after all, a perfectly justifiable use of the term 'historical research'.
Moreover, while deriving a perfectly justifiable satisfaction in pointing out my frequent errors of fact, they never tell me how to write.
It is perfectly justifiable to say that we now have a chance to make yesterday's dreams come true.
Some persons consider that plunder is perfectly justifiable, if only sanctioned by law.