The Dragon's reflection shot across the still water with him, perfectly mirrored on the surface.
The setting perfectly mirrored the way she felt, as Crane had promised it would.
The finale perfectly mirrored that and left me completely satisfied.
No foreign event will perfectly mirror current events and this must be kept in mind so that any necessary corrections can be made.
The rain mirrored perfectly the bleakness in her heart.
Its curved surface mirrored perfectly the probe that was taking its picture.
For days we drifted within sight of land, beneath a high bright overcast sky which was mirrored perfectly in the polished water.
The telethon perfectly mirrored the government's way of doing business: throw money at nasty problems and leave the unpleasant details under the rug.
The judges described it "as a wonderfully written and performed, highly original piece of radio drama in which the production perfectly mirrored the subject.
Population genetics is a rigorous science but is statistical in nature and depends on several general assumptions that may not always perfectly mirror actual events.