Martie, Dusty, and Valet lived in a perfectly scaled, two-story, miniature Victorian with gingerbread millwork.
In addition, on the top floor of the Chapel tower there is a perfectly scaled model of the castle and town as it may have appeared around 1310.
The space offers a grand procession toward a Metro stop and is adorned by a perfectly scaled sculpture by Martin Puryear.
With the help of their friend Spiller, the Clock family have relocated to the miniature village of Little Fordham, where everything is perfectly scaled to a Borrower's size.
"We made enough photomaps on the way in to know the atlas maps aren't perfectly scaled, and we still can't read all of its commentary, but it appears Pardal is split into hundreds of feudal territories."
The perfectly scaled rooms are more hospitable than intimidating.
Twice removed from life, they are actually images of perfectly scaled models based on pictures clipped from newspapers and magazines and built by the artist from cardboard and colored paper.
The aerial scenes are small wonders of movie-making craft, blending actual flight material with material shot in studio mock-ups, with perfectly scaled miniatures and with rear projection.
But his clear, lean voice is perfectly scaled for Carnegie's intimate Weill Recital Hall.
If the passages about this puppy are among the book's strongest, it is because they are perfectly scaled to Mr. Wolff's distinctive pitch and scope and depth.