I had a good angle on his face, and I thought then and still think now that he looked perfectly serene.
The damaged elevator rose in the south, a straight line rising from beyond the horizon to the Ring high above, looking perfectly serene.
It was enlightening, she said, to read in the novel that the housekeeper was smart and "perfectly serene."
He appeared perfectly serene, and he wore his brown velvet tunic.
Andris's smiling mother strolls down the street on a sunny day, looking perfectly serene, when a brick falls out of the sky.
One of them had a tree still standing on it, perfectly serene and unbothered by the changed world around it.
The marshes at the Neck River looked perfectly serene last week.
But only Nicholas could read that subtle display in a face that was in all ways perfectly serene.
It all looks perfectly serene until you notice the note on the table, a scrap of paper inscribed with an urgent red message.
But, to her surprise, Henry's face was perfectly serene and contented.