He had turned his head to watch them curiously, and in perfectly sincere incomprehension.
It was not difficult for Ryder to see that she was perfectly sincere.
The woman seemed perfectly sincere, there was no reason to believe she were lying, or subject to hallucination.
She had always been amused by this claim, which seemed to be perfectly sincere on his part.
It may all sound like a big metaprank, but the school is perfectly sincere.
"Both are perfectly sincere in telling you the truth as they know it."
In expressing the hope that Steve would find a way to rejoin them, he was being perfectly sincere.
Then she studied his face carefully, and could tell that he was being perfectly sincere.
It had sounded like a perfectly sincere offer but, somehow, he was suddenly not at all thirsty.
The words of the Director's greeting, at least, sounded perfectly sincere.