Recording stations were moved, their surroundings urbanized, and researchers performed adjustments or dropped some stations entirely in order to compensate.
These muscles perform split-second adjustments during voice production or phonation.
Using the Hand, Omega performed adjustments on a star near Gallifrey's in an attempt to provide a power source for the time travel experiments he conducted with Rassilon.
As it was, Scott already had performed several unorthodox adjustments to the components he did have on hand in order to reach the level of enhancement he had achieved.
The half charge 8 "end-game" motors were used to perform finer trajectory adjustments just prior to intercepting the target satellite.
Several small correction burns are then used to raise the periapsis and perform final adjustments.
This technique is often used to perform adjustments on animals as well.
Breguet used this arrangement in many of his marine chronometers so that his best escapement makers could perform the delicate construction and adjustments more easily.
If you cannot perform adjustments or repairs because of corroded parts, or if symptoms persist, consider replacing the flushing mechanism, flush valve or both with modern, trouble-free equipment.