They had no church or resident minister, however, ministers from nearby communities would visit there to perform services, baptisms, and burials.
Instead, Rabbinate officials were instructed to obtain certificates of Orthodox conversion from converts before performing marriages or burials.
This practice is not universally performed anymore, and many Iranian Zoroastrians perform ordinary cremations and burials instead.
Performing burials.
He was not accepted by the established clergy in the city and was eventually jailed for performing baptisims, marriages, and burials without authorization for civil registers.
Between 1862 and 1874 ministers from Greenspond and Fogo visited to perform services, baptisms, burials and marriages.
Christian Science churches have no clergy, sermons or rituals; they perform no baptisms, marriages or burials.
Certain castes and tribes who get classified as Hindus also perform burials, not cremations.
There was no church on Flowers Island but missionaries from other areas visited the island to perform services, baptisms, burials, marriages, and visits to the sick.
A casual duty of "Venuchi's navy" was to perform deep-water burials of "hot" bodies, usually in solid cement coffins.