They simply sat in the grass with two ominous looking pistols trained on him as he jogged and intermittently stopped to perform calisthenics.
These paraded and performed calisthenics and good works, but had no real military function or potential.
Typical of the rough and ready force, they handed out prizes to anyone willing to perform calisthenics.
He said he was stripped and forced to perform calisthenics, increasing beyond endurance his excruciating back pain.
At other junctures, each tried to perform verbal calisthenics to criticize his opponent on a different subject altogether.
The officers forced them to take off their clothes and perform calisthenics.
He performed daily calisthenics almost to the end.
After all, one does not have to be married to perform calisthenics, connubial or otherwise.
The bear, for no discernible reason, was performing mild calisthenics and muttering to himself.