The hardware or software that performs compression is called a codec (coder/decoder).
None could perform external cardiac compression competently; only five could ventilate adequately.
Methods of data compression are also standard, most commonly V.42bis and MNP5, though some modems advertise that they can perform additional compression.
It can perform either lossless or lossy compression, supports color depths from 1 to 32 bits, and is one of the few video codecs that supports an alpha channel.
Windows archivers perform both archiving and compression.
TZlibTransport - Performs compression using zlib.
The tradeoff is the time and processing power required to perform compression and decompression.
Tar implementations call the external programs gzip and bzip2, 7z, xz, ... to perform compression; these external programs usually come with systems that contain tar.
BeyondRAID also has the ability to perform hash-based compression using 160-bit SHA1 hashes to maximize storage efficiency.
TTA performs lossless compression on multichannel 8, 16 and 24 bit data of uncompressed wav input files.