The movie performed far below expectations when first released and is generally reviewed very poorly.
Russia also performs far below its emerging market peers in both incoming portfolio and direct investment volumes.
Despite the media hype surrounding the film, it didn't win any of the festival's awards, and performed far below expectations in the box office.
In all of them, most students perform far below grade level.
But even Kocur has been performing far better as of late.
We have an economy that is performing far, far better than the other industrialized countries.
A larger randomized study examined 415 second and seventh graders performing far below national reading standards.
So why does Sony's stock price continue to perform at levels not far below its 52-week high of $62.875 in July?
But with some teams performing far below expectations, one will probably be relieved of his duties before too long.
Students who are performing far below their abilities should be encouraged to change.