At Town Hall, accompanied by Zakir Hussain on tabla, Mr. Khan played an evening raga and one of India's most widely performed melodies, "Bhiravi."
Last September, the Gerard Edery Ensemble performed Sephardic and Ashkenazic cantorial melodies on traditional instruments with the cantor Alberto Mizrahi.
Bringing together two pipes into one instrument makes it possible for one player to perform two-voice melodies.
Soloists perform Celtic melodies with intricate ornaments and dazzling variations.
Multiple guitar players, electric and/or acoustic, in rock and other related genres, sometimes perform different musical parts, such as instrumental melodies, "licks", riffs, guitar solos, and chords.
He founded a new orchestra (the line-up included saxophonist and banjo player), and performed popular melodies in Vienna and Mariánské Lázně.
The Pulayar, for example, perform melodies called talams which are said to come from the cooing of birds.
Wales has a rich musical heritage, and although many of its traditional instruments are not commonly heard, there are still musicians keeping the folk tradition alive, arranging and performing melodies that have been popular for centuries.
The pedal divisions from the Baroque era had tended to include a small number of upper pedal stops, which allowed performers to perform higher-range melodies with the pedalboard.
The player is able to perform melodies based on several ragas.