In a field we thus can perform the operations addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
The position of the binary point affects the basic arithmetic operations only when performing multiplication and division.
The front side of the flight computer is a logarithmic slide rule that performs multiplication and division.
As in the above mathematical treatment, each dendrite is able to perform "multiplication" by that dendrite's "weight value."
So I created a multiply subroutine where it was a series of the available instructions, which had the effect of performing multiplication.
The machine performs multiplication by repeated addition, and division by repeated subtraction.
Note that this works for any base as long as one has the tools to perform multiplication by 26 and addition in that base.
The Computron was an electron tube designed to perform the parallel addition and multiplication of digital numbers.
This process is similar to performing long multiplication, but only having to perform the summation of some middle columns.
IBM 1620, an early computer that used tables stored in memory to perform addition and multiplication.