One pilot performed a crash-landing on the British side of the line and was unhurt, however not a word was heard from the other four.
And the voice of the singing robot performing on the south side of 42d Street was easily heard on the north side.
(1923), with a character performing a daredevil stunt on the side of a skyscraper.
In order for the test to be considered positive, the same maneuver must not elicit pain when performed on the left side.
The band now performs on the right side of the stage.
"And performing an occasional miracle on the side," Richard put in, rising.
The right arm then performs the same on the right side, treating the circle as if it were a solid object (fig. 69).
He had a lucrative practice among invalids drawn to take Bath's waters and performed research on the side.
Unlike other dances, the gourd dance is normally performed with the drum in the center of the dance arena, not on the side.
As a favor to a friend, I agreed to perform a wedding on the other side of the state.