The consequence was that in a strike, employees merely "working to rule" needed not to be paid, because they had only partly performed their obligations.
He began to practice works of mercy and to perform his religious obligations with fidelity.
In return the purchaser will undertake to perform the vendor's obligations under such contract.
The wedding hall contains a recreation of the groom performing his traditional ceremonial obligations, such as gifts.
"You'll never see it unless you perform your obligations."
Should the parties perform their obligations rapidly, progress within and through the phases may come sooner than indicated in the plan.
In each phase, the parties are expected to perform their obligations in parallel, unless otherwise indicated.
He did not keep up the practice of Mass and performing his religious obligations to the people.
This means a sum of money to put the claimant in mostly the same position as if the contract breaker had performed her obligations.
Similarly, feoffees were the only ones who could take the proceedings against tenants of the land to compel them to perform their obligations.