Leaves are reduced to scales or absent, as the plant does not perform photosynthesis.
The ability of cyanobacteria to perform oxygenic photosynthesis is highly significant.
These perform photosynthesis, and the Nostoc also fixes nitrogen.
The holoparasitic species lack chlorophyll and therefore cannot perform photosynthesis.
These leaves curl up at night (exhibiting nyctinasty), and open in the day to perform photosynthesis.
This system is part of the complex protein machinery that produces oxygen as plants perform photosynthesis.
It is covered with scale-like leaves, reduced as they do not perform photosynthesis.
The inner cell, which is not able to perform photosynthesis, reduces the sulfate into sulfide.
Chlorophyll a is the most common of the six, present in every plant that performs photosynthesis.
Positive buoyancy is needed to keep the cells in the upper reaches of the water column, so that they can continue to perform photosynthesis.