Sonographers are medical professionals who perform scans for diagnostic purposes.
However, after performing several tests and scans of the brain, the characteristic movement is found to be neurological in origin.
Server Verification services perform daily scans on the hosting server.
Most AV programs perform regular scans of the entire system, usually scheduled for the middle of the night, maybe once a week.
Naturally, we will perform final scans and biopsies, to make sure that the nodules are indeed all gone.
By performing multiple scans, moving the reference mirror between each scan, an entire three-dimensional image of the tissue can be reconstructed.
Security experts say Satan is the first heavy-duty tool available for performing such widespread scans.
The biologist was stiffly performing scans and comparing them to human readings on the computer console.
A security team was already performing scans on the personal effects of the Cardassians, which would be sent up to their quarters.
He decided to have a veterinarian perform scans on her leg.