Basch survives the rotation with Jo by claiming to perform numerous tests and treatments on the gomers while in reality he actually does nothing.
This was part of a trend of doctors' being paid much more to perform services and treatments in their offices than in hospitals.
Five years ago, few spas were performing new treatments, and even then their options were limited.
Afterwards, doctors performed various medical treatments if necessary.
Some physicians say that cancer doctors responded to Medicare's change by performing additional treatments that got them the best reimbursements, whether or not the treatments benefited patients.
"I know they're performing radical treatments."
In 2012, it was revealed that two doctors had performed untested medical treatments, amounting to "serious and continuing noncompliance" with federal regulations.
The Doctor's Decision Experts say it can be difficult to detect cases in which doctors cross a medical line and are clearly performing unnecessary treatments.
Radiation oncologists perform stereotactic treatments, often with the help of a neurosurgeon for tumors in the brain or spine.
In a 1988 survey of neonatologists, half said they had performed treatments that they thought were not in a baby's best interest because of legal fears.