So it ought to be easy to perform a small variation to the procedure.
Later, Milgram and other psychologists performed variations of the experiment throughout the world, with similar results.
The Marx Brothers would perform variations on this routine for the next seven years.
The clip was from the portion of the video in black-and-white, where Gaga and her dancers perform variations on a sharp military march throughout.
He successfully learns both of this techniques and becomes so adept at using them, that Yahiko starts performing several variations.
They performed a variation of Trinidadian calypso in a smooth melodic style influenced by popular music.
Van Dam performed a variation of a rolling thunder on Kane using a folding chair.
Tap dancers would perform technical variations, while singers and musicians would shuffle along as they were able.
It is the effort of the artist himself to perform a remixed variation of Twisted Repairs.
He performs vertiginous variations on the old cup-and-ball trick, using three sets of props that span the centuries.