The lackluster performance of the rest of the field does not bode well for the United States in October's world championships.
This performance did not bode well for the Hawks (35-39), who are a possible first-round playoff opponent for the Knicks.
That performance may not bode well for Chicago's chances in the playoffs because those games are still played in October.
But for what he was after, the performance was a remarkable achievement and bodes well for the Brahms symphonies in Mr. Masur's survey.
Though Jayna had a stronger portfolio overall, she lacked consistency in her photographs, and her poor performance at the party didn't bode well for her.
Although his performance in 2003 boded well for his 2004 season, Arnaud exceeded everybody's expectations.
These excellent performances of contrasting works bode well indeed.
The cadets' performance on the police-officer entrance test, which they are required to pass, bodes well, too.
Their performances yesterday bode well for the American men's team in Atlanta.
The 9-5 looks lovely, but scattershot performance and so-so refinement don't bode well for its chances against $50,000-and-up sedans.