You won't pay extra for an E85 vehicle or suffer a performance deficit.
This performance deficit is not a result of source monitoring errors, and accurate performance on recall tasks indicates that the information has been encoded.
The performance deficit was blamed on the rigorous specification and conformance required of OpenGL.
Even slightly elevated lead levels around the age of 24 months are associated with intellectual and academic performance deficits at age 10 years.
Tom's Hardware attributed this performance deficit to relaxed tuning of the CPU and motherboard to improve stability.
In sequential ideal observer analysis, the goal is to measure a real system's performance deficit (relative to ideal) at different processing stages.
Using it in a four cylinder Opel gave rise to a noticeable performance deficit.
This overall performance deficit was not addressed until the release of the 280ZX Turbo in 1981.
Low contrast, close proximity of neighboring stimuli (crowding), temporal asynchrony of pattern components are examples of factors that cause performance deficits.
This left them with a significant performance deficit compared with their turbo-powered rivals.