This is the only Academy Award winning performance directed by Hitchcock.
For the rest, the musical performance, directed by Kenneth Hamrick, did little to redeem the leaden drama.
It fits the evening's theme, though the performances, directed by Jonathan Silverstein, are set at too high a frequency.
First, the papers reported booing and catcalls accompanying a performance directed by the choreographer Christian Rizzo.
But these low-key performances, directed by Seret Scott, make the confrontation near the end seem possible, if unlikely.
In 2010, they staged a 6-man performance written and directed by Bordowitz.
From a series of performances directed by Rob Sheridan, available ...
Cullen's performance in the 2011 film Weekend, directed by Andrew Haigh, won him critical acclaim.
Carey's performance of the song that night was edited and commissioned as the official music video, directed by Larry Jordan.
The music video is a live performance, directed by Jon Small.