As a result, the temporary processes that affect behaviour during practice or experience should not be considered learning, but rather transient performance effects.
KR seems to have many different roles, some of which can be viewed as temporary or transient (i.e. performance effects).
SuperFetch aims to negate the negative performance effect of having anti-virus or backup software run when the user is not at the computer.
Over the years, a series of papers looking at performance effects under different production conditions were published.
Positive performance effects with MOS were also reported in later production phases, however, those effects appear to be smaller than in the very young animals.
Similar performance effects resulting from chronically restricted can also be seen in the Category I study by Belenky et al. and in figure 3-3.
The high performance effect lasts only a few hours.
Also, anti-aliasing is currently always on, which besides the obvious performance effect leads to some drawing glitches" And listed in the "known bugs" section of the same document:
Rendering from templates may have negative performance effects when only updating a small portion of the page-such as the value of a text input within a large template.
No matter what his secret, Angier's performance effect was still not as quick as mine.