His performance - indeed, the movie itself - will turn on it.
This fine performance turned the changing seasons into a choreographically happy year.
I am afraid the opera will be banned," he continued, "unless a poor performance turns it all into a joke.
Her performance at the planet installation had turned an angry mob into a jubilant throng.
In striving for spaciousness, the performance sometimes turned sluggish.
It all turns out to be entirely felicitous, for the performances turn a statistic into a sense of real occasion.
The impromptu performance turned into an intimate but long concert at 33,000 feet.
Her unique voice holds the listeners in its spell, and every performance turns into a spontaneous sing-along.
But as the years went on, her performance turned nostalgic.
For Chrysler, the disappointment is another in a series that began when the company's performance turned downward in 1989.