The mayor credited the Human Resources Administration's use of performance-based contracts with sharply increasing the number of job placements.
Starting July 1, all new federal student loans will be direct loans, delivered and collected by private companies under performance-based contracts with the Department of Education.
The performance-based contract set strong incentives for the private operator to deliver concrete results.
He signed a performance-based one-year contract, with an option for one more year, and stated that he had returned to win the league.
The bill directs the chancellor to establish performance-based contracts to measure accountability.
Although performance-based contracts have been attacked across the country for heavy reliance on test scores, some superintendents applauded them.
Genomic Health said it could not comment on individual contracts but acknowledged it was working with various payers on performance-based contracts.
In September 2006, Greško signed there in the light of his injury a strong performance-based one-year contract.
She has a performance-based contract until Jan 2014.
This can be addressed in part by promoting shared-savings performance-based contracts, where both parties benefit from the efficiency savings.