On December 7, 2011, the Pittsburgh Pirates re-signed McLouth to a one-year, $1.75 million contract with $450,000 in performance-based incentives.
The Panthers had offered him a seven-year, $12.55 million contract with $5.1 million in bonuses and performance-based incentives.
The contract contains up to $4 million in performance-based incentives.
The then-privately held company was purchased in 2005 by Experian for $330 million, with performance-based incentives that could add an additional $50 million over the next two years.
They wondered about potential labor problems, too, and asked Rostelecom whether its managers received performance-based incentives.
To consider legislation that provides for performance-based incentives to educators and schools that attain higher levels of student achievement.
He truly believes that politics can be all but passé if a company sets clear rules and performance-based incentives.
In light of these findings, should you be leaning toward a mutual fund that gives its managers more performance-based incentives?
Prince could have earned up to an additional $950,000 per year in performance-based incentives.
BB receives performance-based incentives from Internet infrastructure companies for signing new subscribers.