A Music Medals assessment is divided into three sections which are performed consecutively by the candidate.
She has performed consecutively at the NAMM Show (National Association of Music Merchants) and the Dallas International Guitar Festival, joining the list of almost 3,000 performances.
Yet all his previous successes were cast into the shade by La fille de Madame Angot (Brussels, 1872), which in Paris in 1873 was performed for more than 400 nights consecutively, and which has since gained and retained enormous popularity.
When two or more identical attacks are performed consecutively on the same opponent the attack damage increases by a multiplier.
Performed consecutively, as they were by Feld Ballets/NY on Thursday night, the two dances are also provocative counterparts for each other.
It is 32 consecutively performed fouettés en tournant.
The new transfer station with multiple workstations and electromagnetic heads (antecedents to robots), enabled different operations on a single part to be consecutively performed by transferring the part from one station to another.
In the liturgy of the Mass, the items of the Ordinary are not performed consecutively, but are separated from one another by prayers and chants.
In 2006, she had performed in ceremonies of the United Nations consecutively for three years.
Raimondi followed the triple oratorio with the composition of a double opera, one serious and one comical, which like the triple oratorio was designed to be performed either consecutively or simultaneously.