Joe Crow is currently performing solo, but in the process of getting a band together.
He has performed solo since he was eight years old and studied in Europe from 1965 to 1976.
He has performed solo, but specializes in chamber and collaborative music.
Instead of his polished trio, he performs solo this week; expectations will run high.
The music is performed primarily solo, with just vocals and an acoustic guitar.
Performing solo, Streicher was able to showcase the expressive power of the instrument.
During this time he performed solo, using loops to augment his electric guitar playing.
He's performing solo tomorrow night at 8; admission is $8 (Pareles).
The album documents the Gilberto performed solo, accompanied only by himself on guitar.
These dancers move on to the competition's main phase, where they perform solo, duet, and group dance numbers in a variety of styles.