Some performers displayed their szopkas together with puppets in a form of a street theatre.
Inhabiting a tiny world that becomes seductively real, the performers display a shared sense of purpose as they convey the hair-raising perils of creative endeavor.
And the performers, particularly Mr. Roth, occasionally display a toughness that goes well beyond the material's limited demands.
The performer displays a cigarette which behaves in almost a magnetic fashion, sticking to a fingertip, the tongue etc.
The final Scottish segment had Madonna and her performers display energetic dance routines.
During the warmer months, street musicians, fire-eaters and other performers display their talents throughout the area, especially at place du Jean du Bell.
The performers in the current group soon displayed their technical proficiency.
Next, performers throughout the arena displayed a series of choreographed hand gestures in sign language.
The performer displays a large meat hook and then proceeds to force it into the nostril, through his nasal cavity and out his mouth.
Young and gifted performers from Brooklyn will display their talents tonight from 5 to 10 at the Picnic House in Prospect Park.