Such is the case with Susan R. Prusaczyk, who does public relations for a perfume manufacturer.
At various times between 1871 and 1889 his occupation was listed as "bootmaker", "perfume manufacturer" and "preparer of microscopical objects".
In 1907 he married Chess's daughter Mary, who would later found the Mary Chess Company, a perfume manufacturer.
No one criticizes perfume manufacturers, or lingerie designers, or the makers of tight jeans.
A perfume manufacturer had a scent all ready to put her name and face on, provided she participated in promoting it.
'So do the perfume manufacturers,' he grunted.
V. Vivaudou, an auto company and perfume manufacturer, was one of its subsidiaries.
Coty, Inc., a cosmetics and perfume manufacturer.
Mr. Sweeney works with a perfume manufacturer the same way he works with a company that wants to launch, say, a potpourri-scented roach bomb.
His father, who is retired, was a perfumer in Stamford for Shaw Mudge & Company, a perfume manufacturer.