They made a perfunctory search, it is true, of crewmen and quarters, but a low number gold badge was still a magic talisman.
The guard greeted him warmly and performed a perfunctory search of the Mercedes.
And no one was able to get a very detailed description from him, so only the most perfunctory search was made.
Private corporate vessels would certainly undergo only perfunctory searches.
With the guard's assistance, they made a perfunctory search of the museum's gardens, then ordered him to disconnnect the gallery alarm system.
Although she had already done a perfunctory search of the attic, she started a more complete one now.
For minor figures, associated with a particular area or monastery only, the choice is sometimes made after a perfunctory search and often motivated by political considerations.
It was no perfunctory search; I have had medical exami- nations that were less thorough.
To my surprise, the guard let me in after a perfunctory search of car and purse.
They put the sniffer over it but only did a perfunctory search.