Medicare faces a perilous future, given growing health costs and the aging of the baby boomer population, and anything approaching a resolution would require hard bipartisan work.
So we took out the toothless tiger and won a great battle, to be fed an unsatisfactory peace and a more perilous future.
However recent events regarding its owners has left the market facing a perilous future and this could again hinge around the redevelopment of the centre.
She had studied the stresses now attacking both equines and bovines, and was fully cognizant of the perilous future that needed no probability curve to trace.
The remaining escapees face a perilous future, park rangers said.
A better understanding of the nature and evolution of human intelligence just possibly might help us to deal intelligently with our unknown and perilous future.
Hideki Irabu surely knew that his perilous future with the Yankees could get a lot murkier or a little clearer last night.
In upon the tedium and loneliness, as her thoughts wandered now to the past and now to the perilous future, came a letter from the captain.
El Salvador residents have as perilous a future, she said.
Any alternative to that offers only the prospect of a more perilous and more querulous future.