Its winters are characterized by long cold periods, interspersed by snowfalls and ice-storms, with several weeks of below zero temperatures.
People with bipolar disorder may experience only rare manic periods, interspersed with phases of depression.
There typically are periods when you may notice more symptoms (called an exacerbation), interspersed with periods when your symptoms decrease or disappear (remission).
Carlson described the marriage as "an unhappy period interspersed with sporadic escapes."
The condition may remain stable for extended periods, sometimes interspersed with sudden decreases in vision.
The boundary between the Ordovician and Silurian periods is marked by repetitive periods of anoxia, interspersed with normal, oxic conditions.
The bedrock of Harris is largely Lewisian gneisses, which were laid down in the Precambrian period, interspersed with igneous intrusions.
Since then, Imperial College Union has spent long periods outside the NUS, interspersed with brief periods of membership.
The interplay of the cycles means that each glacial period follows an uneven course, with relatively colder periods interspersed with relatively warmer ones, but none of them as warm as an interglacial.
The reality is that transcription is irregular, with strong periods of activity, interspersed by long periods of inactivity.