Here ends a period led by Marios Constantinou who goes to Enosis Neon Paralimni and leaves behind him that he built from the start of the season.
Cleveland's five starters went 13 for 15 in the period, led by Mark Price's 9 points on 4-for-4 shooting.
However, after a short period of time his ill-treatment of her led to his being murdered by the relatives of his wife.
Croix-de-Feu (Cross of Fire) was a French far right league of the Interwar period, led by Colonel François de la Rocque (1885-1946).
So away they went in the first period, led by their captain, Flatley.
The Hong Kong New Wave also occurred during this period, led by filmmakers such as Tsui Hark.
I went through a revisionist period led by Yoko at one time - you know, 'All Paul did was book the studio.'
The period of the Apostolics, led by Segalelli and Dolcino, characterized by poverty, chastity and the absence of government.
It will be replaced by a new, less fearful and more hopeful period, led by a cast of characters that is astonishingly diverse by American historical standards.
England would later experience periods of frenetic and eclectic reforms contrasted by periods led by staunch conservatives.