Again, after a period of closure, this company improved its pollution control.
The resort has been almost continuously open to the public since the 1870s, except for a period of closure from 1968-1978.
Following a short period of closure to the public the house was sold to a new leaseholder in December 2012.
They are also subject to a closure period of 75 years as opposed to the 30 years on other court records.
It has been suggested that a period of closure, together with controlled fishing rights may help improve fish stocks.
The King's Head reopened in late 2008 after a period of closure, and now includes a restaurant area.
After a period of closure, the castle was renovated, re-opening in June 2008 to the public.
After a period of closure, the station building was restored, and in 2002 won the Fortidsminneforeningen's protection prize.
Some military aircraft which flew during the period of closure suffered engine damage, although no crashes were reported.
During the two-year-long period of closure, the original building was completely renovated and brought up to current technical standards.