His three-goal third period, as much as anything, reflected the team's overall letdown.
Grandad's period of depression may have reflected Spike's struggle with mental illness.
Most periods are constructed retrospectively and so reflect value judgments made about the past.
The shorter period allowed for girls to receive support reflects their younger age at marriage (often 13 or 14 years).
The period presently reflected in the historic district stretches from 1870 to the 1920s.
But this particular 10-year period reflects an historical anomoly: a time when high-risk funds underperformed the low-risk ones.
The decade to be recreated there is not the recent one, but the period reflected by the house: just over 200 years ago.
The latest periods also reflected tax loss carryforwards.
This period of embryonic diapause may reflect the greater availability of food in the spring.
Year-ago periods reflect one-time gain for fulfillment of a licensing agreement.