He was also experiencing one of his periodic episodes of ill health that would plague him throughout the war.
Most people with this illness have periodic episodes, called relapses, when their symptoms surface.
I'd had a brief affair with him during one of his wife's periodic episodes of spousal abandonment.
Material deprivation can have serious, lasting effects on children who grow up experiencing prolonged or periodic episodes of poverty.
People had to contend with periodic episodes of hunger and famine.
These are difficult times for Harry, as his father's periodic episodes are unexplainable.
Essentially, "racial tensions and periodic episodes of civil unrest in its ghettos".
Infection depends on the mosquito taking a blood meal during a periodic episode - when microfilariae are present in the bloodstream.
The study of fossils shows that there have been periodic episodes of mass extinctions.
The food stamps help them through these periodic episodes of economic distress.