Unfortunately, the settlers did not like periodic fires in their backyards and they put out any fire before it could really burn and do damage.
These periodic fires kept woodland areas relatively open until 20th century laws curtailed burning in an effort to protect structures.
The forest grows in a mosaic, due to periodic fires.
Tenants complained of periodic fires erupting in the refuse.
In zones not subject to periodic fires, the succession continues and a tropical forest thrives.
Like many late medieval towns, Bischofswerda suffered from periodic fires that damaged the town.
It is natural for such a place to burn, and the species that live naturally in these areas are adapted to periodic fires.
Algeria's climate and periodic fires are not conducive to a thriving forestry industry.
Any small hardwood trees that start to fill it in are wiped out by small periodic fires.
Because of periodic fires, this location was to be occupied by a succession of two more mills until operations ceased in 1928.