At the Constitutional Convention, the framers saw the necessity of allowing periodic increases in judicial salaries.
The primary is a flare star that shows periodic increases in activity.
While classed as eruptive variables, these stars do not undergo periodic increases in brightness.
The lease agreement calls for periodic increases in this amount to reflect the increase in the property's value.
The signal is never converted into electricity, allowing for periodic increases in the number of conversations the cable can handle.
At the Constitutional Convention, the framers recognized the need for periodic increases in judicial salaries.
Criminologists also say that periodic increases in certain crime statistics are not uncommon, and they caution against drawing any conclusions about crime trends.
As a consequence, given that Congress has imposed on itself the requirement for periodic increases, there is no alternative to enactment of an increase in the debt limit.
Since it is rent-controlled, I am accustomed to periodic increases.
But by phasing in rates, they may be able to have their cake and eat it, too-- smaller periodic increases and fewer cases to litigate.