The position of the star is repeatedly measured relative to more distant stars, and then checked for periodic shifts in position.
Instead, their orbital motion can be tracked through periodic shifts in the spectrum of the primary.
Yet religious and social practices that had long distinguished Egyptian culture survived the periodic shifts of political fortune.
As the planet orbits Alpha Centauri B, its gravity causes extremely small (semi-amplitude of about 0.5 m/s) periodic shifts in the host star's velocity.
But while Hollywood has undergone periodic shifts like this before, many people here agree that there is something different this time, a permanence to Hollywood's new austerity plan.
From the early 1990s to 1996, he worked periodic shifts including a Saturday morning show on Toronto sports talk station The Fan.
These periodic shifts in life history properties produce observable changes in community composition.
The American art market, in one of its periodic shifts of gears, is pushing painting hard as a medium; Bonnard also makes sense in this context.
The modern glacial cycles are triggered by periodic shifts in the Earth's axis and orbital eccentricity, which alter the amount of sunlight and its distribution across the planet.
Stately currents in the North Atlantic undergo periodic shifts on decadal time scales.