Therefore, I decree that you shall consult with me periodically, and I will continually review your fitness for decent society.
The new plan will be in effect for at least six months, F.A.A. officials said, during which time the administration will periodically consult with residents in the affected areas and measure noise levels in their communities.
(Henry Kissinger, whom Mr. Bush also consults periodically, had to cancel at the last minute; Warren M. Christopher and Caspar W. Weinberger could not make it.)
(6) AGENDA AND ADDITIONAL REVIEWS.-MACPAC shall consult periodically with the chairmen and ranking minority members of the appropriate committees of Congress regarding MACPAC's agenda and progress towards achieving the agenda.
We do consult periodically from time to time.
The Grand Mufti periodically consults with a group of elders to assess whether the principles of Islam are respected, and he regularly addresses the nation on the radio regarding social and religious issues such as marriage, divorce, and education.
James Roday portrayed Shawn Spencer, a fake psychic detective who periodically consults for the Santa Barbara police department.