Because prelink is often run periodically, typically every two weeks, the address of any given library has a chance of changing over time.
The controls are run periodically, three times each second.
But that didn't stop her from trying: she periodically ran away, the first time when she was 7.
The solution is to periodically run patrol trains over the rails, in effect polishing them.
In the major cities, public bus transport runs periodically and taxis are common.
I ran and periodically starved to keep the fat off, but I still weighed in at 130.
Periodically running external commands or batch scripts and check the return code.
She wrote that similar ads would run periodically through the fall and would "continue to develop this theme."
The user could set up that utility to run periodically in the background as an automatically scheduled task.
Also, the Government periodically runs radio and television commercials on the need for children to be immunized.