I'm unlikely to forget the more daunting obligations - a mammogram, periodontal surgery, parent-teacher conferences.
The results of these studies showed the use of celecoxib or dexamethasone as effective for the prevention and preemptive control of postoperative pain after periodontal surgery.
Riggs was an opponent of periodontal surgery, which at the time consisted of gingival resection.
"I'm basically an animal lover," said Dr. Grove, who has degrees in dentistry, veterinary medicine and periodontal surgery.
The recent research reported the long-term results of a study in which Dr. Loesche and his colleagues tracked 90 patients who had received recommendations for periodontal surgery.
Scaling and root planing are ineffective in cases where tooth mobility is severe; such conditions require periodontal surgery and placement of bone grafts.
By grafting tissue into the mouth during periodontal surgery, it is possible to regenerate bone growth.
The whiteners are not generally recommended for patients with recent periodontal surgery, pregnant women and children under 12 years old.
An artificial periodontal membrane, used to block the spread of growing epithelium after periodontal surgery.
It is used extensively in bone grafting of alveolar bone in oral and periodontal surgery.