Patients with periodontal disease usually must obtain periodontal treatment before getting braces.
Patients don't like periodontal treatment, so they suspect it's a rip-off.
The researchers randomly assigned 120 people with severe gum disease and no other chronic infections to ordinary care or intensive periodontal treatment.
Angularis nigra is generally only treated based on the aesthetic preference of the patient (although serious gum recession may warrant periodontal treatment).
"No consistent evidence supports the efficacy of laser treatment as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal treatment in adults with chronic periodontitis."
The cornerstone of successful periodontal treatment starts with establishing excellent oral hygiene.
Once successful periodontal treatment has been completed, with or without surgery, an ongoing regimen of "periodontal maintenance" is required.
Coenzyme Q10 and periodontal treatment: is there any beneficial effect?
Pets may also need periodontal treatment for gum disease.
For this reason surgical periodontal treatment may be considered to allow vision and access to the furcation.