Moses' lack of speaking ability is portrayed as deriving from his peripatetic lifestyle growing up.
After 1991 he led a peripatetic lifestyle, with drives in many series around the world.
This is common for artists with their peripatetic lifestyles.
Members of this community speak Adurgari and are widely distinguished by their peripatetic lifestyle.
The peripatetic lifestyle of the 18th and 19th century middle classes also drove the development of more residential clubs, which had bedrooms and other facilities.
Saito left New York in 1968, leading a peripatetic lifestyle until 1978.
Part of the reason had to do with the thieves' peripatetic lifestyle.
In Afghanistan, the term Jat does not refer to a single ethnic community, but rather to a number of disparate groups who practice a peripatetic lifestyle.
He led a peripatetic lifestyle, decamping to New Zealand at the age of 16, and travelling across America aged 17.
When Switch is forced into the daily grind of being a breadwinner, his bitterness about giving up his peripatetic lifestyle is palpable.