Commonly used by small businesses, the IBM 1401 was also frequently used as an off-line peripheral controller for mainframe computers.
Guitar Hero is notable because it comes packaged with a controller peripheral modeled after a black Gibson SG guitar.
The 605 also powered peripheral controllers, including the 658 disk subsystem and the 721 communications processor.
One significant feature of this generation was various manufacturers' renewed fondness for add-on peripheral controllers.
A Trunk was a generic name and a hardware address within a Port to which a peripheral controller would be assigned .
Presumably the peripheral controllers do NOT last, just as with the miniature fluorescent tubes.
This is likely due to the expense and difficulty of constructing an arcade-accurate peripheral controller.
Enterprise server manufacturers differentiate their systems by designing and developing chipsets that interface the processor to memory, interconnections, and peripheral controllers.
The West Bridge is a growing architectural approach, originally developed by Cypress Semiconductor, which enhances and modularizes a peripheral controller in an embedded computer architecture.
Adaptec, he said, is the leading maker of peripheral controllers for disk, tape and optical storage disk drives.