This punishment would send terror not only through their ranks, but into the hearts of anyone else even peripherally involved.
It thus works by being a very inclusive partnership, although one family - the voluntary sector - is only peripherally involved.
The problem was that the source, many years before, had been involved peripherally in an attack in which an American died.
But then there were forty seven other officers and men who were more peripherally involved, whose fate was not so easy to determine.
(Ellen Willis was involved only peripherally with the reformed group.)
Or perhaps they would only claim he was peripherally involved, in which case his agony could be more private, and less prolonged.
Some were peripherally involved while others were witnesses.
We should resist the temptation to do something we wouldn't otherwise do just because a peripherally involved figure has suffered.
It looks like I may be getting peripherally involved.
Even those more peripherally involved have suffered lasting scars.